Subject: S7-06-22 comments
From: Kyle s

Jun. 27, 2023

Are you insane? Everything the SEC does only makes the stock market worse. You want to give Derivatives the same voting power as people who own stock out right? First off, that opens the door to many levels of fraud. Second, it degrades the value of the company. The company is the one who issues shares. the company is the one people are buying shares of. Derivatives are something banks fabricate. You are degrading the value of stock and degrading the legitimacy of the stock market. 

Not to mention the fact that Retail doesn't really trade in derivatives. I barely understand them. So, you are giving A LOT more power to banks who do not even care about the company. they just want to short it to make themselves rich. Not the country. Not the company. It is personal greed. Just so they can vote in fraudulent CEOS that will intentionally destroy the company. The SEC is a joke. Watch dog for the rich and powerful and this corrupt system is destroying the country. Greed is a beast that can not be fed.