Subject: File S7-06-22
From: D T.mase

Jun. 25, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

Derivatives are just that: a contractual agreement between parties that determine at a future date based on the future price of the underlying security, that derive their value from but are not ACTUAL shares of, an underlying security. Since no party can ascertain or claim that they are in actual possession of said shares until the option of exercising, and thereafter being delivered the agreed upon shares, how is it possible this would render them any right to lay claim to vote or weigh on corporate governance?
No. That is what any party who votes on this proposal should vote, because even from a very basic, rudimentary, elementary position wielding little to no knowledge of the matter and by simple analysis of what market instruments are impacted by this proposal, any reasonable and prudent person would be able to see what is at work here. A “yes” vote would clearly demarcate who the interested parties are that the SEC prefers, which would only further restrict market liquidity and confidence in the market from all other parties.


Talal Mased
Concerned Retail/“House-hold” Investor