Subject: File No. s7-06-22
From: Nathan Drake

June 26, 2023

I am writing to express my strong support for SEC rule S7-06-22, which proposes to modify the disclosure requirements for investment funds regarding fees and performance.

As an investor, I believe the proposed rule will reduce the regulatory burden on investment funds while also providing key information to investors in a more concise and accessible format. This rule will create a more efficient and competitive market for investors, reduce the regulatory burden on investment funds, and ultimately benefit the investors ourselves.
I believe the proposed rule will help to level the playing field for investment funds, both new and existing. This streamlined reporting will make it easier for investors to access crucial information without being bogged down by excessive and redundant disclosures.

In this way, the rule will benefit both investors and the financial industry as a whole. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support SEC rule S7-06-22 for its efforts to provide investors with critical information while minimizing regulatory burdens on investment funds. Thank you for considering my views on this important matter.