Subject: File No. s7-06-22
From: Victor Didra

June 26, 2023

Dear regulators who are working toward a fair and transparent marketplace.

I see that you once again have to deal with potential rules that work against your goal of fairness.

I oppose derivatives having any voting rights.

I oppose short positions being ignored when counting positions.

I think you should understand that, as far as I can find, no one believes that the US markets are fair, honest, or transparent. On the contrary people just assume they are manipulated and set up for the benefit of the rich at the expense of everyone else.

I hope that one day this will change, and I urge you to make every decision about rules changes with the understand that in this age the internet allows even the smallest investor to know when their investments are disadvantaged to a corrupt marketplace.

We know. Please move toward the day when we know that the market is an even playing field.

