Subject: File No. s7-06-22
From: Anonymous

June 26, 2023

Congratulations Conferring voting rights by way of conferring beneficial ownership status to derivatives is, WITHOUT QUESTION, the most PATENTLY INSANE thing I have ever countenanced or heard in my many years of life. Whomever came up with this idea is to be commended for a level of bought-and-paid-for elitist depravity the likes of which this world has rarely seen. Make no mistake, if allowed to pass, this will destroy, once and for all, any remaining illusion of \"free and fair\" markets. At this point, the only thing our markets are the envy of are the worst human beings on this planet, jealous that they can't commit outright theft in broad daylight the same way our criminals-[REDACT]-billionaires can.

Have you no shame? None whatsoever?