Subject: File No. s7-06-22
From: Deok Park

June 25, 2023

Amendments are crucial for transparent stock ownership and clearer market view.
Encourage structured, machine-readable data for efficient reporting.
Use Rule S7-06-22 to bring increased transparency to hedge fund short positions.
Express concern for the dilution of voting power for actual shareholders.
Advocate for protecting voting rights and meaningful shareholder votes.
Clear guidelines needed to avoid confusion and unintended consequences.
Request SEC prioritizes actual shareholder rights in final rule.
Timely reporting prevents hidden accumulations and maintains market information.
Enhanced oversight through structured data for risk monitoring and regulatory actions.
Transparency to deter coordinated actions in which suppress stock prices.
Adoption of rules to fosters fair competition and a level playing field.
Changes lead to an efficient and accountable financial system, benefiting investors and market health.