Subject: File Number S7-05-22
From: Jason Layne

Feb. 19, 2022

As a retail investor, it has become blatantly obvious that the stock market, as it current operates, is completely “rigged” in favor of the hedge funds, market makers, and all those in between. Retail investors have become nothing more than stray dogs, just waiting for a crumb to be thrown our way. This is unacceptable.
If nothing more, this past year and a half has allowed myself, with millions of other retail investors, to become astutely aware of how corrupt, immoral, and unethical the current market framework is.
Having said that, if drastic changes are not implemented, such as rule, S7-05-22 , that would help to level the playing field per se for retail, I WILL NOT continue to invest in the stock market.  I think there are millions, if not tens of millions of investors worldwide, who will no longer have any desire to invest in such a corrupt market structure.
I feel this rule should not be delayed for 2 years before implementation!  It needs implementation IMMEDIATELY upon passing!  We do not need any reason for turning off the buy button again.

Jason   \m/