Subject: File No. S7-05-22
From: Anonymous

February 21, 2022

Shortening the Securities Transaction Settlement Cycle:

I agree with the proposed amendments for S7-05-22 \"Shortening the Securities Transaction Settlement Cycle\". I believe that in doing so and progressing from a T+2 Transaction Cycle to a more immediate T+1 Transaction Cycle it would allow a more \"seamless\" transition and exchange of equities and securities between market participants and investors. While also lessening the ability of market abuses to be perpetuated afterhours with the extended t+4 that is not readily available to retail investors. My only disagreement is with the date of implementation of such a proposal. I believe it is imperative to enact such an amendment in a more immediate timeframe, for example 01JAN2023 at the very latest.

One of the biggest issues with proposals and amendments as this is the discrepancy the between finalization of such endeavors at their actual implementation. This discrepancy allows unsavory participants time to adjust themselves accordingly to further abuse the financial system. These should proposals and their implementation should act as regulatory deterrents against such behavior in order to foster a more fair market founded upon the fundamentals of traditional economics in which retail and financial institutions can equally and fairly partake in.