Subject: File No. S7-05-22
From: Lebel A

February 19, 2022

This proposal is a step in the right direction, but it is long, long overdue.

In this day and age, Wall Street firms trade in milliseconds, there is no reasons to have anything else than instant settlement. Anything else allows for FTDs, abusive shorting, wash sales and other illegal practices that benefit only the most rich and powerful in these markets to the detriment of regular investors. When will t+0 or instant settlement be implemented? This is the real change US Equity markets need to become the most fair and best in the world at what they do, which is allowing for price discovery and capital formation.

Moreover, proposed implementation by 2024 is a joke. This should be implemented ASAP, as the market should be more than capable to handle this change. When will t+0 or instant settlement be implemented? This is the real change US Equity markets need to become the most fair and best in the world at what they do, which is allowing for price discovery and capital formation.