Subject: File No. S7-05-22
From: Scott Paster
Affiliation: Financial Advisor / Retail advocate

February 18, 2022

Is this actually a necessary dialogue? The technology, brokerage and public sectors have already been expecting this for YEARS. How is this only a proposal at the current juncture and even worse, how is the proposal for implementation in two years? TWO YEARS

Since it apparently needs to be highlighted, we live in the digital era. Are you still using a mobile telephone in a briefcase? Are you still buying homes with lead paint and asbestos? Are you driving a car with roll down windows? Why is settlement take T+2 and why are so many antiquated rules not updated swiftly?

The increasing incompetence or corruption at every level of government is appalling, disheartening, and clearly beyond meaningful change. T+2, FTD, short-interest reporting, insider trading and on on. The entire system under the SEC has become a Ponzi-scheme caliber joke.

PROVE me wrong...