Subject: File No. S7-05-22
From: Anon. Retail Investor
Affiliation: Business Intelligence Engineer

February 18, 2022

It should go without saying that moving towards T+1 or T+0 is an absolute must in our markets. Each additional day to settle trades is an opportunity for organizations to correct the mistakes they've made and reverse their error before it blows up in their face. I really wish the SEC gave retail investors the same opportunities to decide whether or not a transaction would benefits them after they've already seen the output of that transaction.

In a day and age were we're testing the limits of commercial spaceflight and landing multi-billion dollar rovers on Mars I find it extremely disconcerting we cannot settle transactions T+0.

I would love a response from the SEC as to why T+0 isn't currently possible if all market participants are abiding by the law and if it is not, what infrastructure has the SEC been building to support this goal? We've only had a few decades to figure it out now..