Subject: File No. S7-05-22
From: Lee Hunter
Affiliation: Professional plumber

February 17, 2022

I don't agree with waiting 2 years to have transparency in the market. Nor do I agree waiting any longer for shorting the settlement cycle. Brokers have said they can do a t0 and t1 right now today. Make it happen. I think it would benefit retail if the rule would be in effect as soon as possible such as a month after approval. All this waiting does is give big players time to find loopholes. As a side note why won't you shut off all dark pools and ATS until you can sort out all the illegal manipulation and makes shorts in stocks such as AMC and GME. Simple math shows more than 100% of the float held. How's that possible.. I've lost all faith in you guys but hoping you will read this and help a hardworking American. I build your homes everyday and you seemingly won't band payment for order flow or allow faster settlements in a timely manner.