Subject: File No. S7-05-22
From: Brian Renner
Affiliation: Engineer

February 9, 2022


Actually love what you are doing and keep up the hard work. I agree with moving this to T0, COB. This is the way to protect the everyday citizen. I believe this comminsion is for the every american. I also agree with the leaders that we need a T0 as soon as it can bbe helped along. This should also help dark pool trading but would love to see its own individual ruling that dark pools are only there for the big instituitions and every trade should have to hit the market below a certain amount. They should not be able to roll up that days trades from a broker and have one buy or sale either. Trades must happen within a certain time line. I think have stocks tied to a blockchain would stop a lot of the short sells, nakeds, and time lines because then it all can be tracked. Good luck and keep up the good fight of bringging an blanced martket where good companies and every inverstors are not taken advantage of by big money.