Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Rick Shaddock
From: Rick Shaddock
Affiliation: Digital Coin Association

Nov. 3, 2023

I am writing to provide my comments on the
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" proposal by the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While I appreciate the
SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections, I have concerns
about overreach of regulatory authority and the treatment of digital
assets or crypto.

SEC, as it currently exists, should be renamed to Stupidity Evolution
Coddling agency. Protecting low IQ investors only breeds more low IQ
investors. The USA became strong since 1776 when harsh environments
caused only the smart to survive. 

Let Mother Nature's natural selection work. Nature knows best how
to organize. People need to develop Critical Thinking Ability when
investing. The existence of the SEC causes people to let their guard
down, thinking that the government will protect them.

When stupid people invest in bad projects, they lose money and should
suffer the humiliation of asking their friends and relatives for
financial assistance. With government welfare, they can anonymously
get free money for food stamps, phones, and housing. All welfare
recipients should be public domain information. If they are shamed,
they will be less likely to breed children with the same DNA.

Sadly, many will resort to stealing, but they will likely be caught,
being stupid. But it is good for evolution that will go to jail and
not reproduce. 

Shut down "protect the stupid" actions of the SEC and let
Natural Selection produce the survival of the fittest and strongest,
for a strong America. 

Provide for the common defense of the USA, especially our border.