Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Sheela Gustafson
From: Sheela Gustafson

Oct. 31, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,
I am writing this public comment in response to the proposed rule for
safeguarding advisory client assets. While I understand the importance
of enhancing investor protections and addressing gaps in the custody
rule, I have several concerns regarding the rule proposals:
Scope of Rule:
The proposed expansion of coverage to include a broader range of
investments held in a client's account raises concerns. While it
is important to protect investors, the definition of assets and the
inclusion of discretionary authority in custody should be carefully
examined to avoid unnecessary burdens on investment advisers.
Qualified Custodian Protections:
The rule addresses the application of safeguarding client assets,
particularly in the context of digital assets or cryptocurrencies.
While acknowledging the challenges in proving exclusive control, it is
crucial that the rule provides clear guidelines and requirements to
ensure the secure custody of these assets.
Segregation of Client Assets:
The rule rightly emphasizes the need to segregate client assets from
adviser assets to protect investor interests. However, it is important
to ensure that exceptions to this requirement are limited and
carefully defined to avoid potential abuses or mishandling of client
Amendments to the Surprise Examination Requirement:
The proposed changes to the surprise examination requirement are
commendable as they help safeguard client assets and reduce the risk
of loss. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between effective
oversight and not overly burdening investment advisers with
unnecessary costs and additional paperwork.
Economic Analysis:
While the proposed rule aims to enhance investor protections, it is
essential to carefully consider the economic impacts and costs
associated with compliance. Investment advisers operate in a diverse
landscape, and the rule should not unintentionally impede competition
or hinder capital formation.
Digital Assets or Crypto:
The proposed rule acknowledges the challenges posed by digital assets
or cryptocurrencies and their custody. It is crucial to provide clear
guidance and address the regulatory uncertainties surrounding these
assets to ensure a level playing field for investment advisers while
still protecting investors.
With these concerns in mind, I urge the Securities and Exchange
Commission to carefully review the proposed rule from the perspectives
of both investor protection and industry viability. Clear guidelines
and practical solutions should be provided to safeguard advisory
client assets without unduly burdening investment advisers.
Furthermore, as the regulatory landscape for digital assets continues
to evolve, I encourage the SEC to work towards harmonizing regulations
to ensure clarity and consistency across the industry.
Thank you for considering these concerns as part of the public comment
process. I appreciate your commitment to protecting investor interests
and maintaining a fair and efficient market.
Sheela Gustafson