Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." As a concerned
individual, I believe it is crucial to address the potential overreach
of regulatory authority in this proposal. While the SEC assumes the
role of enhancing investor protections, there is a risk that the
proposed rule may exceed its jurisdiction, encroaching on areas that
should be regulated by other agencies.

Specifically, I would like to focus on the issue of privacy. As an
investor, I have serious concerns regarding the privacy and safety of
my sensitive financial data and social security number. The proposed
rule includes requirements for investment advisers to provide
custodial account details, custodian information, and client
notifications. While transparency and oversight are important, the
extensive sharing of personal information raises red flags.

With the increasing prevalence of data breaches and identity theft, it
is imperative that the SEC thoroughly considers the potential risks
associated with widespread disclosure of sensitive client information.
Furthermore, it is unclear how the SEC plans to effectively oversee
and ensure the security of this vast amount of data once it is in the
custody of third parties. The potential for misuse or unauthorized
access to this information is a grave concern that must be addressed
before implementing such a rule.

To provide adequate protection for investor privacy, I strongly urge
the SEC to revise the proposed rule to include robust safeguards and
strict protocols to mitigate the risk of data breaches and
unauthorized access to client information. This may include requiring
investment advisers to adhere to stringent data protection
regulations, conducting regular audits of custodial entities to ensure
compliance, and implementing penalties for negligence in safeguarding
client data.

Additionally, as the SEC considers the economic impact of this
proposed rule, it is crucial to evaluate the potential costs
associated with enhanced privacy measures. Investment advisers are
likely to incur significant expenses in implementing stringent data
protection protocols. These costs may ultimately be passed on to
investors, creating an additional financial burden for individuals who
are already grappling with market uncertainties and economic

In light of these concerns, I strongly urge the SEC to reconsider the
breadth of its regulatory authority and ensure that it aligns with its
intended goals of investor protection. Privacy is a fundamental right
that should not be infringed upon without careful consideration of the
potential risks involved. The SEC must strike a balance between
promoting transparency and protecting investor privacy.

In conclusion, I respectfully request the SEC to address the issue of
privacy within the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client
Assets." By adopting robust privacy safeguards and evaluating the
potential economic impact on investors, the SEC can demonstrate its
commitment to both protecting investors and respecting their privacy

Thank you for considering my comments. I trust that you will give due
consideration to the concerns raised and take appropriate action to
safeguard investor privacy.
