Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Michael Lucian Primerose
From: Michael Lucian Primerose

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule titled
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I understand
that the Securities and Exchange Commission aims to enhance investor
protections and address gaps in the custody rule, I believe that
certain aspects of the proposed rule may have unintended consequences
and may not adequately address the evolving landscape of digital
assets, such as cryptocurrencies.

Digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, have revolutionized the
financial industry through the use of blockchain technology. However,
regulatory uncertainties surrounding digital assets continue to
present challenges. Under the proposed rule, digital assets are
subject to the same stringent requirements as traditional assets,
without taking into account the unique characteristics of digital

One of my key concerns is the potential loss of privacy and autonomy
over my financial assets. Cryptocurrencies are designed to provide
individuals with a decentralized and private means of transacting
value. Implementing stringent regulations without carefully
considering the privacy implications could undermine the fundamental
principles that make cryptocurrencies attractive to many users.

Furthermore, the proposed rule does not adequately address the
challenges in demonstrating exclusive control over digital assets.
Unlike traditional assets held by a qualified custodian, the nature of
blockchain technology means that control over digital assets is more
nuanced and multifaceted. It is essential that any regulations in this
space account for the unique aspects of digital asset custody and find
ways to strike a balance between investor protection and the ongoing
innovation in digital finance.

Additionally, I am concerned about the overall impact of the proposed
rule on the efficiency and competition within the advisory industry.
While investor protection is of paramount importance, it is crucial to
consider the potential unintended consequences of excessive regulatory
burdens. Excessive compliance costs could disproportionately affect
small entities and limit their ability to compete with larger players
in the market.

In light of these concerns, I would like to propose the SEC consider
the following:

1. Work towards developing a framework that takes into account the
unique characteristics of digital assets and balances investor
protection with privacy rights.

2. Engage in a meaningful dialogue with industry stakeholders to gain
a deeper understanding of the technological advancements and
challenges inherent in the custody of digital assets.

3. Explore alternative solutions that provide investor protection
while ensuring that regulatory initiatives do not stifle competition
and innovation in the advisory industry.

To conclude, while I appreciate the SEC's efforts to safeguard
advisory client assets, I urge careful consideration of the impact of
the proposed rule on the digital asset landscape and the importance of
balancing privacy, innovation, and investor protection. I remain
committed to collaborating with the SEC and other relevant
stakeholders to ensure that any regulatory changes reflect the
evolving needs of the industry and promote a fair and secure
environment for all market participants.

Thank you for considering my comments.


Michael Lucian Primerose