Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Gergely Winslow
From: Gergely Winslow

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I, Gergely Winslow, am writing to provide my public comment on the
proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I
appreciate the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections and
address gaps in the custody rule, I have concerns about certain
aspects of the proposed rule and its potential impact on the advisory

Firstly, I would like to address the burden placed on exchanges to
demonstrate exclusive control over client assets, which may be
impractical for certain types of digital assets. As the proposed rules
outline, exchanges will be required to provide reasonable assurances
that they have exclusive control over client assets. However, this
requirement may prove challenging for certain digital assets, which
are often held in decentralized networks. Demanding exchanges to
demonstrate exclusive control in such cases could stifle the
innovative potential of emerging technologies like decentralized
finance and blockchain.

Moreover, I am concerned about the confusion that may arise from the
proposed reporting requirements for participants in decentralized
finance (DeFi). The rules encompass a wide range of participants,
potentially resulting in multiple, inconsistent reports for the same
transaction. This could create unnecessary complexity and hinder the
adoption of DeFi by introducing compliance burdens that may not be
proportionate to the risks involved. It would be more prudent to
establish clear guidelines that strike a balance between effective
oversight and unnecessary regulatory friction.

In addition to these specific concerns, I urge the SEC to carefully
consider the overall manageability of the proposed regulations. The
complex nature of the rules, with different reporting requirements for
various entities, may lead to confusion and a lack of clarity. It is
essential to alleviate the reporting burden on market participants,
especially in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets. By
streamlining and harmonizing reporting requirements, the SEC can
facilitate compliance and ensure consistency in reporting while
maintaining investor protection.

Furthermore, I believe it is crucial for the SEC to assess the
potential impacts of the proposed rules on small entities,
particularly smaller investment advisers. While the proposed rule
acknowledges that the majority of small advisers won't be
affected, there remains a significant number of SEC-registered
advisers subject to the proposed rule. For small advisers, the
compliance costs associated with new reporting and recordkeeping
requirements can pose a substantial burden. It is vital to balance
enhanced investor protections with the viability and growth of small
advisory businesses, promoting competition and innovation while
ensuring meaningful safeguards.

Finally, I appreciate the transparency and economic analysis provided
by the SEC, encompassing costs and benefits of the proposed rule.
However, we must also consider the potential unintended consequences
and overlooked benefits and costs associated with these proposals. It
is important to encourage a comprehensive discussion on reasonable
alternatives and facilitate a thorough examination of the economic
impacts of the proposed rule. By soliciting public input and taking
all perspectives into account, the SEC can make informed decisions
that balance investor protection and market efficiency.

In conclusion, while recognizing the SEC's aim to strengthen
investor protections, I express my concerns regarding certain aspects
of the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets."
The burden on exchanges to demonstrate exclusive control over client
assets, confusing reporting requirements in decentralized finance, and
the manageability of the regulations merit careful consideration.
Additionally, I encourage the SEC to assess the impacts on small
entities and strive to harmonize reporting requirements while
promoting market participation and innovation.

Thank you for considering my comments and engaging in this important
public discourse.


Gergely Winslow