Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Nathan
From: Nathan
Affiliation: Designer

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed rule
on "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets," and I just
can't keep my thoughts to myself any longer. While I appreciate
the SEC's intention to enhance investor protections and address
gaps in the custody rule, I find myself scratching my head and
wondering, "Have they thought this through?"

First and foremost, let's talk about the definition of digital
assets. Now, I don't claim to be the next Satoshi Nakamoto, but
even I know that terms like "platform,"
"software," and "ledger" need a little more
context. Are we talking about blockchain, NFTs, or some futuristic
virtual reality? Just tell me, SEC, are we investing in futuristic
holograms now?

And let's not forget about the all-important "wallet"
and "validator." Are we talking about your everyday back
pocket wallet, or are we diving into the realm of some mythical
treasure chest hidden deep within the digital world? And who exactly
is this validator? Is it a judgmental robot passing verdicts on our
investment choices? I can barely handle my mom's disapproving
looks, let alone judgment from a cold, metallic being.

Now, I understand that regulatory oversight is important, but if we
don't even know what we're regulating, how can we expect to
enforce it? It's like trying to build a spaghetti bridge without
knowing what pasta we're dealing with. Can we at least have a
consensus on the definitions before unleashing the regulatory hounds?

So, here's what I propose: let's bring together some experts
who can decipher this digital jungle for us. Industry collaboration is
the key, SEC. We need the tech gurus and the brilliant minds to sit
down and hash out these definitions. Because unless we're all
playing by the same rules, it's going to be one big game of
regulatory Russian roulette.

In conclusion, SEC, I kindly request that you step up your game when
it comes to defining digital assets. Collaborate, think outside the
box, and for the love of all that is holy, clarify these terms so we
can all play on a level playing field. Otherwise, we'll just be
frantically waving around a digital carrot while the rabbits feast on
our investor protection dreams.

Thank you for understanding my concerns, and I hope you take these
suggestions to heart.

Yours sincerely,

Nathan - Just another bewildered investor