Subject: "S7-04-23"
From: Anonymous

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I write to submit my public comment in response to the Securities and Exchange Commission's proposed rule on safeguarding advisory client assets. I commend the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule. However, I have several concerns regarding the proposed rule's treatment of digital assets and the potential risks it poses to investor privacy and security. 

Digital assets, particularly cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology, have the potential to transform the financial landscape. However, their unique characteristics require tailored regulatory guidelines to ensure proper custody and safeguarding. Unfortunately, the proposed rule does not offer sufficient clarity on the custody requirements for digital assets, leaving market participants in a state of uncertainty & doubt. 

Specifically, the proposal fails to address the privacy and security concerns associated with the custody of digital assets. As cryptocurrencies become increasingly popular investment vehicles, it is imperative that adequate safeguards are implemented to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the protection of investors' assets. Without clear guidelines on privacy and security, investors are at risk of asset loss and potential infringements on their financial privacy. 

Moreover, the proposal's lack of clarity on custody requirements for digital assets may hinder innovation and stifle the growth of this nascent industry. As the world embraces the technological advancements offered by blockchain and digital assets, it is essential that regulatory frameworks foster responsible innovation while also protecting investors. This can only be achieved through clear, comprehensive, and adaptable guidelines. 

To address these concerns, it is imperative that the SEC provides more guidance on the custody requirements for digital assets. Engaging with industry experts, market participants, and other regulatory bodies could help in crafting more targeted and precise rules. 

Additionally, the SEC should consider the development of industry best practices for safeguarding digital assets. By collaborating with industry stakeholders, the SEC can contribute to the creation of robust privacy and security protocols that ensure the protection of investors' assets without stifling innovation. 

In conclusion, while I appreciate the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protection and address the custody of client assets, I strongly urge the Commission to provide greater clarity on the custody requirements for digital assets. Moreover, the privacy and security concerns associated with these assets must be adequately addressed to protect investors. By working closely with industry experts and market participants, the SEC can develop comprehensive and adaptable guidelines that foster responsible innovation while safeguarding investor interests. 

Thank you for considering my comment. I believe that an honest, open and collaborative regulatory approach is essential to ensure the continued growth and maturity of the digital asset industry, while also providing robust investor protection. 


Concerned Citizen