Subject: S7-04-23
From: Matt Ewing

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule, I would like to express my concerns regarding the lack of clarity on the definition of digital assets and the potential impact of regulatory uncertainties on the emerging world of cryptocurrencies. 

The proposed rule mentions the inclusion of digital assets within the scope of the regulations but fails to provide clear guidance on what constitutes a digital asset. Given the rapidly evolving nature of this technology, it is crucial to have a well-defined definition that can be consistently applied across the industry. Without such clarity, there is a risk of confusion and potential misinterpretation, which could hinder innovation and hinder the adoption of viable solutions. Therefore, I strongly urge the SEC to consider providing a clear and comprehensive definition of digital assets that embodies the diverse nature of this emerging asset class. 

Digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology, are transforming the financial industry and have the potential to revolutionize how we transact, invest, and store value. However, the regulatory landscape surrounding digital assets remains uncertain and fragmented. This lack of regulatory clarity poses challenges for investment advisers, potential investors, and the broader market. It is essential for the SEC to establish a regulatory framework that provides clarity, transparency, and safeguards for investors while also fostering innovation and capital formation. 

Amidst these challenges, I believe it is crucial for the SEC to strike the right balance between enhancing investor protections and encouraging the growth of the digital asset ecosystem. Heavy-handed regulation that stifles innovation and imposes excessive compliance costs could hinder the potential benefits that digital assets offer. Conversely, a lax regulatory approach may expose investors to heightened risks. 

To address these concerns, the SEC should actively engage with industry participants, market experts, and other stakeholders to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital assets. This framework should strike the right balance between investor protection, market integrity, and fostering innovation. It should provide clear guidelines on custody requirements, ensure adequate safeguards against fraudulent activities, and facilitate regulatory compliance for investment advisers operating in this space. Furthermore, the SEC should consider leveraging existing best practices and international standards to ensure consistency and interoperability in an increasingly globalized digital asset market. 

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to prioritize providing clarity on the definition of digital assets and to actively engage with industry participants to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for this emerging asset class. It is essential to strike the right balance between investor protection and fostering innovation in order to realize the full potential of digital assets and promote a robust and transparent financial ecosystem. Thank you for considering my comment. 


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