Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Jens
From: Jens

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate
the agency's efforts to enhance investor protection and address
gaps in the custody rule, I believe there are a few areas of the
proposal that require further clarity and consideration.

One specific concern is the lack of clarity regarding the definition
of digital assets. Given the rapid developments in technology and the
emergence of digital currencies like cryptocurrency, it is crucial
that the proposal provides clear guidance on what constitutes a
digital asset. Without clear definitions, there is a risk of confusion
and potential misinterpretation, which could have unintended
consequences for investors and investment advisers alike.

Digital assets, particularly cryptocurrencies, have been
transformative in the financial industry. However, they also present
unique challenges and regulatory uncertainties. It is essential that
the SEC establishes a clear framework for the custody and safeguarding
of these assets to ensure investor protection while also allowing for
innovation and growth in the digital asset space.

Additionally, I would like to address the economic analysis conducted
as part of the proposal. While I understand the challenge of
estimating economic effects due to varying industry practices, I urge
the SEC to consider the potential impact on competition, efficiency,
and capital formation. It is crucial to strike a balance between
investor protection and the potential costs incurred by investment
advisers and qualified custodians. The additional compliance
requirements proposed in the rule may increase costs and limit
competition, potentially hindering access to advisory services for
certain investors.

In terms of compliance costs, I believe it is important to weigh the
benefits of enhanced investor protection against the burden imposed on
investment advisers. The proposed rule may require significant
adjustments and investments in technology, staff training, and the
establishment of new controls. Therefore, I encourage the SEC to
carefully consider the magnitude of these costs and explore potential
alternatives that could achieve the same investor protection goals
without creating an unreasonable burden on advisers.

Furthermore, I would like to emphasize the need for ongoing dialogue
and collaboration between the SEC and industry participants. As the
digital asset landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for
regulators to engage with industry stakeholders to ensure that
regulatory frameworks remain effective, adaptable, and transparent.
This cooperation can help mitigate potential unintended consequences
and promote a robust and inclusive digital asset ecosystem.

In conclusion, I appreciate the SEC's commitment to investor
protection through the proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory
Client Assets." While supporting the agency's objectives, I
urge the SEC to provide greater clarity on the definition of digital
assets and consider the potential economic impact of the proposed
rule. Additionally, I recommend ongoing collaboration between the SEC
and industry participants to address emerging challenges in the
digital asset space.

Thank you for considering my comments. I look forward to future
discussions and the opportunity to contribute to the regulatory

