Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Michel Lesavon
From: Michel Lesavon

Oct. 30, 2023

Public Comment on Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets

I. Introduction:

I, Michel, am submitting this public comment to express my concerns
regarding the Securities and Exchange Commission's proposal on
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate
the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections and address
gaps in the custody rule, I believe that certain aspects of the
proposal require further consideration and revision to ensure the
privacy and safety of investors.

II. Discussion:

A. Absence of Regulatory Clarity for Security Tokens:
One of the main concerns with the proposal is the absence of clear
regulatory guidelines for security tokens. As the crypto market
continues to grow, it is essential to provide investors with
regulatory certainty, especially when it comes to safeguarding their
assets. Without clear guidelines, investors may face uncertainty and
potential risks when investing in security tokens. Therefore, I
strongly encourage the SEC to provide specific and comprehensive
regulations for security tokens to ensure investor protection while
fostering innovation in the market.

B. Privacy and Safety Concerns:
In today's era of data breaches and cybercrime, privacy
provisions are of paramount importance. I am concerned about the
proposal's requirement for investment advisers to share extensive
client information, including sensitive financial data and social
security numbers, with multiple third parties. This raises significant
privacy and safety concerns, as increased exposure of personal data
heightens the risk of identity theft and fraudulent activities. It is
crucial to strike a balance between compliance and safeguarding
investor data to ensure their privacy and security are not

III. Economic Analysis:

A. Baseline:
The proposal recognizes the importance of safeguarding investor
assets, as investment advisers reported custody of client assets worth
$45.56 trillion. This underscores the need for robust protective
measures considering the significant value and impact these assets
have on the market.

B. Benefits and Costs of Proposed Rule:
While the proposed rule aims to enhance investor protections by
reducing asset loss risk, I believe it is crucial to consider the
potential costs incurred by advisers. The magnitude of compliance
costs will largely depend on current custodial practices and existing
controls. Sufficient cost-benefit analysis is necessary to strike the
right balance that ensures investor protection while minimizing the
burdens imposed on advisers.

IV. Paperwork Reduction Act Analysis:

B. Rule 223-1:
The proposed rule adds collection of information requirements,
resulting in a cost burden of $12,203,756. While it is imperative to
collect relevant data to effectively supervise custodians and ensure
investor protection, the SEC should aim to minimize the costs
associated with compliance.

G. Request for Comments:
I encourage the SEC to seek public input on the necessity, accuracy,
quality, and burden of the proposed collections of information.
Engaging in a dialogue with the public will help identify any
potential inefficiencies or overlooked benefits or costs that could be
addressed in the final rule.

V. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:

B. Legal Basis:
As the proposed rules are based on the legal authority provided by
various sections of the Advisers Act, it is crucial to ensure that the
regulations align with the intended goal of enhancing investor

C. Small Entities Subject to the Rule and Rule Amendments:
While most small advisers registered with state authorities may not be
affected, it is essential to consider the impact on the 321
SEC-registered advisers who have custody of client assets. Striking
the right balance is necessary to safeguard investors without impeding
the growth and competition of small entities.

G. Solicitation of Comments:
I strongly appeal to the SEC to actively solicit comments on the
potential impact of the proposed rule on small entities. Their
insights and concerns deserve careful consideration during the
rulemaking process.

VI. Consideration of Impact on the Economy:

The proposed rule and amendments have the potential to enhance
investor protections and SEC oversight in the advisory industry,
thereby promoting market confidence and stability. It is crucial to
evaluate the overall impact on the economy to ensure that the proposed
changes strike the appropriate balance for sustainable and efficient

VII. Statutory Authority:

The SEC's proposed rule, along with the amendments and Form ADV
changes, rest on the foundation of the statutory authority granted by
relevant sections of the Advisers Act. The utilization of this
authority must align with the overarching goal of enhancing investor
protections and promoting market integrity.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to consider the concerns raised
regarding the absence of regulatory clarity for security tokens and
the potential privacy and safety risks associated with sharing
sensitive financial data. By addressing these concerns, the SEC can
further strengthen investor protections while fostering a favorable
environment for investment and innovation. Thank you for your
attention to these critical issues.
