Subject: File Number s7-04-23
From: Cody Beere

Oct. 30, 2023


To my knowledge, the SEC is trying to declare anyone involved with cryptocurrency as a broker, thus needing q license to engage with the public. 

This method fails to protect anyone in my opinion. The bad guys whom you are trying to stop from future scams or whatever, they will keep doing scams and taking money without your permission. Thats the idea. 

While their are many scams out there, the technology behind cryptocurrency is one that allows the public to reshape its relationship with big government agencies. The SEC trying to add regulation and hurt the use case of the technology seems completely bias and malpractice of the power you have been given. 

The SEC is becoming the bad guy as it help the USD system monopolize currency and thus the ability to transact. As an American, I hate that. 

Leave crypto alone please. Please meet with the brightest minds in the space and learn how the SEC can truly help investors and the public by keeping them truly safe. Safe from scammers and a tyrannical government/banking system. 

The use of corrupt power is disgusting. If what I am reading is accurate, The SEC doesn't aim to protect anyone. Its seems like the SEC is purposefully inciting a social war amongst the public and causing fear and pain to those who seek shelter from tyrants. 

This is also a huge push factor for leaving America. Take away my home if you must but you will not break me or the community I stand with. 

I beg you to join us and help reshape our relationship by helping get the power back to the people. Enough is enough, the SEC and it's friends won for decades. The government and banks owned our lives and our childrens lives for too long. It is time to make a change and you can either stand with us or against us. The public is absolutely keeping track of which side you are on. 

Long story short, I 100% oppose the SEC trying to regulate crypto in any fasion. We have technology designed to regulate itself and don't need you butting in on behalf of your rich friends or self interests