Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Sean Munley
From: Sean Munley

Oct. 30, 2023

I, Sean Munley, am writing to submit my public comment in
response to the proposed rule on "Safeguarding Advisory Client
Assets." While I appreciate the SEC's efforts to enhance
investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule, I would
like to express my concerns regarding the potential negative impact on
investor access to digital assets and the associated privacy risks.

Firstly, I am concerned that the proposed rules may restrict investor
access to digital assets. Cryptocurrency represents an emerging asset
class that has the potential to revolutionize our financial system. By
imposing additional regulatory requirements and limitations on
investment advisers, there is a risk of stifling innovation and
hindering investor participation in this promising sector. It is
crucial to strike a balance between investor protection and
facilitating the growth of promising investment opportunities.

Furthermore, the proposal raises privacy concerns. Allowing numerous
third parties access to sensitive financial data and personal
information, such as social security numbers, raises questions about
the safety and confidentiality of such data. As we increasingly move
towards digital platforms and technologies, it is essential to ensure
robust privacy safeguards are in place to protect individuals'
sensitive information.

In addition to the highlighted concerns, I would like to bring
attention to the potential benefits of exploring cryptocurrency as an
alternative to traditional fiat currency. Our current monetary system
faces challenges such as inflation and centralization, which can have
profound consequences for individuals and the economy as a whole.
Cryptocurrency offers the potential for a more stable and transparent
financial alternative, as it operates through decentralized networks
and blockchain technology.

The inherent transparency and immutability of blockchain technology
provide an additional layer of assurance for users, instilling trust
and confidence in the currency. By embracing cryptocurrency, we can
move towards a financial system governed by mathematical principles
rather than subjective human decision-making, reducing the potential
for economic instability caused by discretionary decisions made by a
few individuals.

While I understand that cryptocurrency is not without its risks, it
presents an opportunity for innovation and diversification in the
financial landscape. By exploring and regulating this emerging sector,
the SEC can foster competition, promote innovation, and provide
individuals with greater control over their financial well-being. It
is essential to strike a balance between prudent regulation and
allowing for the development and maturity of cryptocurrency as a
legitimate alternative to fiat currency.

It is crucial to recognize that the SEC's efforts to target
specific cryptocurrencies for regulatory scrutiny could potentially
hinder the organic growth and adoption of this emerging technology.
The market, with its natural checks and balances, should play a
primary role in determining which cryptocurrencies succeed or fail.
However, this should not preclude the SEC from creating clear and fair
regulatory frameworks that hold founders, development teams, and
exchanges accountable for any fraudulent activities or misconduct.
Striking a balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding
investors is paramount, and the SEC's role should be to provide
guidelines that promote responsible development and investment in the
cryptocurrency space while allowing the market to determine winners
and losers.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to carefully consider the potential
negative consequences on investor access to digital assets and the
associated privacy risks. Additionally, I emphasize the importance of
exploring cryptocurrency as an alternative to traditional fiat
currency, as it has the potential to provide a more transparent,
predictable, and accountable financial system.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I trust that
you will carefully review the public comments from all stakeholders
and act in the best interest of the American people.

Sean Munley