Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Steven Terry
From: Steven Terry

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Chairman Gensler and Commissioners,

I am writing to provide a public comment on the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" (Release No. IA-5653;
File No. S7-09-20) by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As
an individual deeply concerned about investor protections and the
competitiveness of US companies, I would like to express my
reservations regarding certain aspects of the proposed rule. It is
crucial to strike a balance between safeguarding client assets and
maintaining the competitiveness of the US financial industry.

Firstly, my concern lies with the potential negative impact on the
competitiveness of US companies. While it is essential to enhance
investor protections, I am worried that the proposed rule may impose
burdensome reporting requirements on different participants in
decentralized finance (DeFi). This could cause multiple, inconsistent
reports to be generated for the same transaction. Such complexities
may dissuade market participants and put US companies at a
disadvantage compared to their international counterparts.

It is worth considering the uniqueness of DeFi and the innovative
nature of the technology in question. DeFi operates on the principles
of decentralization and autonomy, enabling self-executing smart
contracts without intermediaries. Imposing extensive reporting
requirements on participants in this space could stifle its growth and
hinder the competitiveness of US DeFi companies. Therefore, it is
crucial for the SEC to carefully consider the specific dynamics of
DeFi and develop rules that appropriately address investor protections
without unduly burdening market participants.

Additionally, I am concerned that the proposed regulations may lead to
unintended consequences such as capital flight and loss of market
share for US companies. The nature of financial innovation and global
markets necessitates a comprehensive understanding of international
regulatory frameworks. We must ensure that the proposed rules align
with global standards to prevent potential disadvantages for US
companies operating in international markets. Striking a balance
between investor protection and global competitiveness is essential
for the continued growth and vitality of the US financial industry.

Moreover, I believe it is essential for the SEC to solicit feedback
and engage in dialogue with market participants experienced in DeFi.
This will ensure a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies and
potential challenges faced by the industry. Actively involving
relevant stakeholders will lead to more informed decision-making and
the development of effective regulations that adequately address
investor protection concerns while also fostering a competitive
environment for US companies.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to consider the potential negative
impact on the competitiveness of US companies as it proceeds with the
proposed rule "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." It is
imperative that the SEC finds a balanced approach that enhances
investor protections while simultaneously fostering innovation and
competitiveness in the financial industry. Engaging with market
participants and addressing the nuanced concerns of DeFi will be vital
in formulating effective regulations. 

Thank you for considering my comments on this important matter. I
appreciate the SEC's dedication to investor protections and
market integrity, and I trust that the Commission will carefully
consider the concerns raised by various stakeholders as it finalizes
the rulemaking process.


Steven Terry