Subject: S7-04-23
From: Alexander Andersson

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share some concerns and ideas regarding the proposed rule, "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I genuinely appreciate the SEC's commitment to enhancing investor protections and bridging gaps in the custody rule, I couldn't help but notice certain aspects of the proposal that might inadvertently stifle the growth and amazing potential of peer-to-peer exchanges, especially when it comes to digital assets or cryptocurrencies. 

Let's talk about digital assets for a moment. They have completely revolutionized the financial landscape, making use of groundbreaking blockchain technology and transforming the way we store and transfer value. It's like watching magic happen right before our eyes! However, amidst all the excitement, it seems like regulatory uncertainty still looms large. And now, with the SEC mentioning digital assets in the proposed rule, it's essential to carefully consider the potential consequences for peer-to-peer exchanges. These platforms have empowered individuals, fostering greater autonomy and financial sovereignty, while also promoting innovation and economic growth. It would be a shame to dampen that! 

I understand the importance of protecting investors from potential fraud or ill intent, but we must handle this regulatory tightrope walk with care. We need to strike a balance that allows for ongoing innovation and responsible market conduct, while still safeguarding investors. That's as tricky as trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope over a volcano! 

Speaking of regulatory authority, let's chat about that for a moment too. While the SEC certainly plays a pivotal role in protecting investors and maintaining market integrity, it's crucial to avoid any unnecessary overlap or overreach. We don't want unnecessarily burdensome regulations or hindrances preventing investment advisers and digital asset innovators from achieving truly extraordinary things. 

Given the complex nature of digital assets, which often involve varying regulatory frameworks across multiple agencies, it would be splendid to witness a delightful dance of collaboration between the SEC and other regulators. Crafting clear guidelines that address the unique characteristics and complexities of this emerging asset class requires a coordinated effort. This way, we can prevent the dreaded monster of overlapping regulations and foster a healthy ecosystem for investment advisers and digital asset enthusiasts alike. 

Is it too much to ask that the proposed rule specifically acknowledges the specific challenges surrounding digital assets? These remarkable creations of technology demand provisions and protocols that are tailor-made for their unique properties. We need to ensure that these assets can be stored, managed, and safeguarded securely without dampening their incredible growth potential. To achieve this, we must combine a deep understanding of the underlying technology with a commitment to continuous compliance evaluation in a rapidly evolving landscape. 

In closing, I applaud the SEC's commendable goals with the proposed rule, "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." However, let's not forget that regulatory oversight should be an intricate dance between investor protection and the tremendous potential of innovation. An open, peer-to-peer economic system, complemented by clear regulatory guidelines and collaboration, might just be what brings peace and harmony to our world. Okay, maybe I'm getting a little carried away, but wouldn't that be amazing? 

Thank you for taking the time to consider these lively ideas and concerns! I wish you all the best as you navigate the path toward an exciting future. 

Warmest regards, 

Alexander Andersson