Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Ellis Morgan
From: Ellis Morgan

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule on
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I understand
the need to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the
custody rule, I believe that some aspects of the proposal may have
unintended consequences that hinder the growth and development of
decentralized finance (DeFi) and stifle innovation in the digital
assets space.

In particular, I am concerned that the broadened scope of the rule,
particularly as it relates to digital assets and cryptocurrencies, may
have a detrimental impact on the DeFi ecosystem. DeFi projects, which
leverage blockchain technology and smart contracts, have the potential
to revolutionize traditional finance by increasing access, fostering
financial inclusion, and reducing reliance on centralized
intermediaries. However, regulatory uncertainties can impede the
progress of these projects and limit their potential to disrupt the
status quo.

One of the core principles of DeFi is decentralization, where users
have control over their own assets without the need for traditional
custodians. By expanding the rule to include digital assets, there is
a risk that it may impose burdensome requirements on DeFi projects
that operate outside the scope of traditional custody. This could have
a chilling effect on innovation, discouraging entrepreneurs from
pursuing projects that are pushing the boundaries of financial

Furthermore, the challenge of demonstrating exclusive control over
crypto assets, as mentioned in the proposal, is a valid concern. The
unique nature of blockchain technology, with its distributed ledger
and decentralized consensus mechanisms, poses inherent difficulties in
proving custody in the traditional sense. Imposing rigid requirements
that do not take into account the nuances of digital assets may
inadvertently inhibit the growth of this emerging sector.

In addition to considering the potential negative impact on DeFi, I
highly encourage the SEC to take into account the global nature of
digital assets. The fragmented and rapidly evolving regulatory
landscape for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology underscores
the need for a coordinated approach that ensures investor protection
without stifling innovation. It is crucial that any regulations are
crafted in a manner that preserves the advantages offered by digital
assets while addressing legitimate concerns such as market
manipulation and fraud.

I applaud the SEC's efforts to enhance client protections and
improve oversight and risk assessment abilities in the advisory
industry. Nonetheless, I urge the SEC to carefully consider the
potential unintended consequences that the proposed rule may have on
the DeFi ecosystem and digital asset innovation. It is crucial to
strike a balance between investor protection and fostering an
environment conducive to technological advancements.

Thank you for considering my comments on this important matter.

Ellis Morgan