Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" and its potential
impact on small businesses and startups, particularly those operating
in the digital asset industry. While I recognize the importance of
investor protection, it is crucial to ensure that regulatory measures
do not hinder innovation and growth, nor inadvertently impede
accessibility to financial services for low-income and financially
vulnerable individuals.

Firstly, I would like to address the burden imposed on small
businesses and startups. The proposed rules place a disproportionate
weight on these entities, posing significant challenges for their
operations. The digital asset industry, in particular, thrives on
innovation and adaptation to new technologies. However, the proposed
regulations create additional compliance requirements that could
stifle progress, limit competition, and hinder the potential for
economic growth in this sector. A more thoughtful approach is needed
to strike a balance between investor protection and fostering
innovation among small businesses and startups.

Moreover, I would like to raise concerns about the accessibility and
affordability of digital asset services for low-income and financially
vulnerable populations. As our society becomes increasingly reliant on
technology for everyday transactions, it is crucial to ensure that
regulations do not create unnecessary barriers to entry or unduly
burden those who rely on these services. The emerging solutions within
the digital asset industry offer tremendous potential for financial
inclusion and empowerment. However, if the proposed regulations are
implemented without careful consideration, they may inadvertently
create disparities and hinder the ability of underserved communities
to access and benefit from these services.

Therefore, I request further analysis of the potential impact of these
proposed regulations on the accessibility, affordability, and
equitable outcomes of digital asset services. It is essential to
identify and address any unintended consequences that these
regulations may have on low-income and financially vulnerable
populations. Moreover, I urge the SEC to consider measures that
promote fair and inclusive outcomes, reducing barriers to entry for
these underserved communities.

Furthermore, I am also concerned about the confidentiality and
integrity of the data collected under these proposed regulations. As
the collection and storage of sensitive information become
increasingly necessary for compliance purposes, it is important to
ensure the safeguarding of this data. I request more information
regarding the specific steps that will be taken to protect the
confidentiality and integrity of the collected data. Additionally, I
encourage the SEC to explore the use of advanced analytics and machine
learning algorithms to analyze and interpret this data to further
enhance oversight and detection of potential risks or violations.

I appreciate the SEC's willingness to consider public input
through this comment period. I believe it is vital to work together to
strike a balance between investor protection and fostering innovation,
ensuring accessibility, affordability, and equitable outcomes for all.
I look forward to ongoing discussions and collaboration to address the
concerns mentioned above and create a regulatory framework that
promotes both the protection of investors and the growth of the
digital asset industry.

Thank you for your attention to these matters and for opening to
public comment.