Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 30, 2023

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposal
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" put forth by the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As a concerned investor and
passionate advocate for the digital asset industry, I believe it is
crucial to highlight the potential negative impact these proposed
regulations may have on investor access, market innovation, and the
overall competitiveness of the United States.

While the SEC's intentions to enhance investor protections
through the proposed rule are commendable, it is important to approach
the topic of regulation with careful consideration for the rapidly
evolving digital asset landscape. By defining assets and expanding the
scope of the proposed rule to include discretionary authority in
custody, there is a genuine concern that investment options in this
emerging asset class may unintentionally become limited. This
limitation could deter investors from diversifying their portfolios
and impede the growth potential offered by digital assets.

Furthermore, an excessively restrictive regulatory approach could
stifle innovation within the digital asset industry. It is critical to
strike a delicate balance between promoting tax compliance and
fostering a conducive environment for growth and development in this
promising sector. I implore the SEC to explore alternative approaches
that offer a level of flexibility to accommodate the unique
characteristics of digital assets while simultaneously ensuring
compliance with regulatory obligations.

Moreover, the proposed regulations hold the potential to undermine the
competitiveness of the U.S. market in comparison to global
counterparts. The highly varied regulatory frameworks across
jurisdictions have created an environment of inconsistency, making it
crucial for the SEC to prioritize harmonization and alignment with
international standards. I urge the SEC to conduct thorough analysis
of the potential impact of these regulations on the global digital
asset ecosystem and consider innovative approaches that enable U.S.
participants to stay competitive on a global scale.

I acknowledge the SEC's responsibility to prioritize investor
protection when formulating regulations for the digital asset
industry. However, it is crucial that such safeguards do not hamper
market innovation. Overly restrictive regulations carry the risk of
stifling growth and driving innovative businesses away from the United
States, depriving our domestic market of crucial economic advantages.

In conclusion, I am grateful for the SEC's efforts to enhance
investor safeguards through the proposed rule. However, I urge the
Commission to approach the deployment of these regulations with
heightened consideration for potential negative impacts on investor
access, industry innovation, and the United States' competitive
position in the global market. By forging a supportive regulatory
environment that nurtures innovation while simultaneously protecting
investor interests, the SEC can help position the United States as a
global leader in the evolution of the digital asset economy.

Thank you for considering my input on this important matter. I trust
that the SEC will thoroughly evaluate the potential ramifications of
the proposed rule and give due consideration to the concerns raised by
stakeholders. I am optimistic that the Commission's final
regulatory framework will achieve an optimal balance between investor
protection and the promotion of an innovation-driven economy.