Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 30, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to provide my public comment. While I appreciate the
Commission's efforts to enhance investor protections, I have
concerns regarding potential overreach of regulatory authority, the
paramount importance of privacy, and the undue burden placed on
certain aspects of the cryptocurrency market.

Firstly, I believe it is crucial to consider the potential overreach
of regulatory authority in this proposed rule. It is important to
ensure that regulatory oversight remains within the appropriate
jurisdiction and does not encroach upon areas that should be regulated
by other agencies. As the SEC enhances investor protections, it must
also ensure that it upholds the principle of regulatory federalism and
avoids overlapping or contradicting regulations from other agencies
that may have specific expertise in certain aspects of asset

Furthermore, privacy is a paramount concern that must be protected
during the safeguarding of client assets. While I acknowledge the need
for transparency and accountability in the advisory industry, it is
imperative that any regulatory measures implemented do not compromise
the privacy of investors. Striking a balance between safeguarding
assets and preserving the confidentiality of client information is
essential to maintain trust and promote a secure investment

Additionally, I would like to address the proposal's handling of
cryptocurrency assets. Cryptocurrency is a rapidly growing and
evolving market that presents unique challenges when it comes to
safeguarding client assets. However, it is vital to approach the
regulation of cryptocurrency with caution and ensure that any proposed
rules do not stifle innovation or create unnecessary barriers. A
blanket regulatory framework may not be suitable for this nuanced and
dynamic sector. Instead, the SEC should work closely with stakeholders
in the cryptocurrency industry to develop targeted and effective
safeguards that protect investors without impeding technological

In conclusion, I urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to
carefully evaluate the potential overreach of regulatory authority,
prioritize the paramount importance of privacy, and approach the
regulation of cryptocurrency assets with flexibility and innovation.
Balancing investor protections with the need for responsible and
efficient regulation is critical for maintaining a thriving and secure
investment ecosystem.

Thank you for considering my public comment. I trust that you will
take all feedback into account as you continue to refine and finalize
the proposed rule.