Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express grave concerns about the proposed rule on
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets," with regards to the
treatment of different types of digital assets. I implore you to
consider the potential detrimental impact of the proposed rules on
investors like myself, particularly in relation to Pulse, PulseX, and
HEX. As an investor in these assets, I am deeply worried that the
proposed rules may cast them in a negative light, causing significant
harm to my financial interests.

Digital assets, especially cryptocurrencies, have demonstrated their
transformative power within the financial industry by leveraging
blockchain technology to revolutionize traditional financial systems.
However, the regulatory landscape surrounding these assets remains
obscured by ambiguity and complexity. It is absolutely crucial that
regulatory bodies such as the SEC provide explicit, consistent, and
fair guidance, ensuring equitable treatment of different types of
digital assets.

One specific concern is the potential for demonization and
disproportionate impact on certain digital assets, including Pulse,
PulseX, and HEX. These assets have the potential to provide innovative
solutions, promote financial inclusion, and drive economic growth.
Regulations need to be meticulously crafted to avoid hindering the
development and adoption of these assets while still ensuring diligent
investor protection.

Furthermore, I wish to extend my support for platforms like Coinbase
that widen access to digital assets by offering a wide range of coins.
These platforms play a crucial role in democratizing finance and
empowering individuals to participate in the evolving financial
landscape. Therefore, it is imperative that the SEC carefully
considers the implications any regulations may have on platforms such
as Coinbase, abstaining from enacting legislation that would restrict
investor freedom unnecessarily.

It is of utmost importance that the SEC strikes the right balance
between investor protection and the fostering of innovation within the
digital asset space. Given the global nature of digital assets, it is
paramount to establish a regulatory framework that maintains
competitiveness and positions the United States as a leading hub for
innovation and investment. The proposed rules must thoughtfully
consider the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of digital assets,
while demonstrating an acknowledgement of their potential benefits and

In conclusion, I earnestly implore the SEC to prioritize the concerns
raised by investors like myself regarding the treatment of different
types of digital assets in the proposed rules. Castigating certain
assets or imposing burdensome regulations would not only stifle
innovation but also hinder growth in an immensely important sector of
the economy. I humbly request that the SEC adopts a collaborative
approach that balances investor protection with the promotion of
innovation and economic progress.

Please take my comments into thorough consideration. I wholeheartedly
trust that the SEC will diligently assess the potential impact of the
proposed rules on the digital asset industry, and take the necessary
measures to sustain a fair and equitable regulatory environment.

