Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Orlando Lozada
From: Orlando Lozada

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my strong concerns regarding the
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" proposal currently
under review. While I understand the importance of enhancing investor
protections, it seems that certain aspects of the proposed rule may
have a negative impact on decentralized finance (DeFi) and hinder its
potential for growth, innovation, and the attainment of financial

It appears that the proposed rule fails to recognize the
transformative force of digital assets, particularly cryptocurrencies,
and the opportunities they bring to the financial industry. Blockchain
technology, the foundation of decentralized finance, allows
individuals to transact and interact with financial instruments
without the need for intermediaries. However, it appears that
regulatory uncertainties are posing unnecessary challenges for the
development of this nascent industry.

One of my primary concerns lies with the unnecessary threat to my
freedom to transact on the public blockchain without middleman or
counterparty risk. Blockchain technology, characterized by its
transparent, decentralized nature, enables users to access and
transact with digital commodities using their private key. Unlike
traditional financial systems, possession of digital commodities is
not reliant on a centralized exchange but on individual access. I fail
to understand why these decentralized financial commodities are being
considered securities, as they clearly do not possess the
characteristics traditionally associated with such assets.

Furthermore, the recent lawsuits filed by the SEC against founders of
decentralized finance projects have created an environment of fear and
uncertainty among those who hold digital commodities. The excessive
scrutiny and legal actions taken against participants in the
decentralized finance space are detrimental to an industry that is
still evolving and requires a balanced regulatory approach that
fosters innovation and responsible growth. It is essential to
acknowledge the unique qualities of decentralized finance and provide
clarity to participants who are eager to contribute to this emerging

Blockchain technology is still in its infancy, and stifling growth
through rigid regulations will only discourage developers from
launching new and potentially groundbreaking solutions. It is evident
that a more collaborative and adaptive regulatory framework is
required, one that encourages responsible development while providing
enhanced investor protections.

As an enthusiastic advocate and user of decentralized finance
technology, I am deeply disappointed by the lack of understanding and
support demonstrated by the proposed rule. US citizens should be
granted the freedom to transact on the blockchain without the looming
threat of regulatory uncertainty. Providing a clear and supportive
regulatory environment will allow decentralized finance to thrive,
unlocking its full potential and enabling the benefits of financial
innovation to reach a broader population.

In conclusion, I strongly urge the Securities and Exchange Commission
to reconsider the potential negative consequences that excessive
regulation may have on decentralized finance. Rather than acting as a
hindrance, I encourage the commission to engage in an open and
constructive dialogue with the cryptocurrency community, striving for
regulatory clarity and cooperation. By embracing the unique qualities
of decentralized finance, the SEC can position the United States as a
leader in this disruptive technology and reap the benefits of an
inclusive and prosperous financial future.

Thank you for considering my public comment. Should you require
further clarification or additional information, please do not
hesitate to reach out. I sincerely hope that the commission takes into
account the concerns raised by those invested in decentralized finance
and recognizes the importance of striking the right balance between
investor protection and fostering innovation.
