Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Ronald McWhirter
From: Ronald McWhirter

Oct. 29, 2023

Ronald McWhirter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" and its potential
impact on the digital asset industry. While I appreciate the
Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) efforts to enhance
investor protections, I believe that the proposed rule may impose
overly burdensome requirements on investment advisers and hinder
innovation in the rapidly growing field of cryptocurrencies.

The SEC's inclusion of digital assets in the proposed rule
acknowledges their increasing prominence and the need for regulatory
oversight. However, I urge the SEC to consider the unique challenges
faced by blockchain-based markets and the potential unintended
consequences of overly prescriptive regulations.

Firstly, the proposed rules place a burden on exchanges to comply with
market abuse and manipulation detection, which may be challenging
given the complexity of blockchain-based markets. Digital assets
operate differently from traditional securities, and their
decentralized nature presents new challenges for detecting and
preventing market manipulation. It is crucial for the SEC to work
closely with industry participants to develop effective market
surveillance mechanisms that do not stifle innovation or unduly burden

Furthermore, the proposed rule should provide clearer guidance on the
treatment of digital assets held by investment advisers. The evolving
nature of digital assets has led to considerable regulatory
uncertainty, with different agencies classifying them differently.
Clarity regarding the characterization and custody requirements for
digital assets would foster investor confidence and provide a
framework for compliant practices in the industry.

Additionally, the proposed rule's recordkeeping and registration
requirements should appropriately account for the unique features of
digital assets. Ensuring the safekeeping of client assets is of utmost
importance, but imposing arduous and ill-fitting requirements could
discourage investment advisers from engaging with digital assets. The
SEC should consider tailoring the requirements to digital assets to
strike a balance between investor protection and fostering innovation.

Moreover, the proposed amendments to Form ADV necessitate increased
reporting of custody of digital assets and information about
custodians and accountants involved in safeguarding these assets. It
is crucial to strike the right balance between obtaining necessary
information and preventing an excessive administrative burden.
Simplified reporting processes specifically tailored to digital assets
would alleviate this burden and support efficient regulatory

I applaud the SEC's dedication to enhancing investor protections
and addressing the unique challenges posed by digital assets. However,
I urge the SEC to consider the potential unintended consequences of
the proposed rule on blockchain-based markets. Collaboration with
industry participants, clear guidance, and tailored requirements will
ensure that investor protection is achieved without stifling
innovation. I appreciate the opportunity to provide my input, and I
hope that the SEC carefully considers the concerns raised in this

Thank you for considering my public comment.


Ronald McWhirter