Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from ilich medal
From: ilich medal
Affiliation: Administration

Oct. 29, 2023

"Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my apprehensions about the Securities and
Exchange Commission's (SEC) "Safeguarding Advisory Client
Assets" proposal. While I acknowledge the SEC's efforts to
strengthen investor safeguards, I have reservations about certain
elements of the proposed rule that might extend beyond the SEC's
regulatory mandate and encroach upon domains better regulated by other

One key concern revolves around the treatment of digital assets or
cryptocurrencies. In an increasingly digitized world, these assets
have emerged as pivotal investment instruments, reshaping the
financial landscape. However, the regulatory ambiguity surrounding
them presents significant hurdles for market participants. It's
important to recognize that the regulatory landscape for digital
assets is still evolving, with various agencies overseeing different
facets of this innovative technology. Consequently, the SEC's
proposed rule should be mindful of potential overlaps with other
regulatory frameworks, as a uniform approach might not be well-suited
for the distinctive characteristics of these assets.

Moreover, the regulatory obligations outlined in the proposal could
impose substantial compliance costs on investment advisers and
qualified custodians. These expenses might inadvertently impede
competition or stifle industry innovation. It's imperative for
the SEC to thoroughly consider the economic ramifications of these
requirements, particularly for small entities already grappling with
limited resources.

I strongly suggest that the SEC collaborates with pertinent regulatory
bodies to establish clear-cut guidelines, ensuring consistent and
comprehensive supervision of digital assets. Such collaboration would
not only address regulatory ambiguities but also foster innovation and
progress within the burgeoning digital asset market.

In conclusion, while I acknowledge the SEC's aims to fortify
investor protection through this proposal, I urge the agency to
contemplate potential overlaps with other regulatory entities and the
distinctive attributes of digital assets. Striking a balance between
investor protection and industry expansion is critical for the
long-term prosperity of the market.

Thank you for your consideration of my concerns."