Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from David S
From: David S

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to provide my feedback on the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." As a retail investor,
I understand the importance of personal responsibility and risk
management when it comes to investing. While I appreciate the
SEC's efforts to enhance investor protection, I would like to
share my concerns regarding certain aspects of the proposed rule and
offer suggestions for its improvement.

I. Scope of Rule
Under the proposed rule, the coverage is expanded to include a broader
range of investments held in a client's account. As a retail
investor, I believe it is essential to define and clearly communicate
the scope of investments covered by the rule. This will help investors
understand which assets fall under the purview of the rule and guide
their investment decisions accordingly.

II. Enhancing Protections
While I support the goal of enhancing protections and safeguarding
client assets, I believe it is crucial to strike the right balance
between regulations and investor freedom. Investors should have the
flexibility to choose from a diversity of investment options based on
their risk appetite and investment goals. Excessive regulations may
limit the availability of certain investment opportunities and hinder
the growth potential of investors' portfolios.

III. Impact on Small Advisers
I am concerned about the potential burden that the proposed rule may
impose on small investment advisers. As a retail investor, I believe
it is vital to have a wide selection of advisers to choose from. It is
important to consider the potential impact on small advisers when
implementing new regulations and ensure that the rule is proportionate
to the size and resources of the adviser.

IV. Education and Transparency
While regulations play a crucial role in investor protection, I
believe that education and transparency are equally important for
retail investors. Alongside the proposed rule, I urge the SEC to
enhance efforts to educate investors about the risks and benefits
associated with investments. Additionally, greater transparency in the
disclosure of investment-related information will empower retail
investors to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, as a retail investor, I value personal responsibility
and sound risk management. While I acknowledge the importance of
investor protection, I believe it is crucial to carefully consider the
impact of the proposed rule on investor freedom and the growth
potential of portfolios. Striking the right balance between
regulations and personal responsibility will promote a vibrant and
accessible investment landscape for retail investors.

Thank you for considering my perspective. If you have any additional
areas of concern or if you would like me to provide feedback on any
other aspects of the proposed rule, please feel free to let me know.

