Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule titled
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I understand
that the goal of this rule is to enhance investor protections and
address gaps in the custody rule, I believe there are certain aspects
of the proposal that require further consideration.

One area of concern is the potential negative impact on the issuance
and trading of tokenized commodities. With the rise of digital assets
and blockchain technology, tokenized commodities have become an
innovative way to facilitate investment and improve market efficiency.
However, the proposed rules may hinder the development and adoption of
tokenized commodities, limiting the benefits of digitization for the
commodities market. It is important to strike a balance between
investor protections and fostering innovation in the financial

Furthermore, I believe there is a need to address the lack of privacy
associated with the proposed rule. While it is crucial to ensure the
safety of client assets, it is equally important to safeguard the
privacy of individuals involved in these transactions. The proposed
rule should take into consideration the need for privacy protections,
which are vital to maintaining the integrity of the financial system.

In addition to these specific concerns, I would like to bring
attention to a broader issue. The proposed rule, while
well-intentioned, may have unintended consequences that impact market
participants. It is crucial for the Securities and Exchange Commission
to carefully evaluate the potential effects of these rules on market
efficiency, competition, and capital formation. A thorough analysis of
the economic impacts should be conducted to ensure that the benefits
outweigh the costs.

Furthermore, I urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to seek
public input on reasonable alternatives to the proposed rule. As
stakeholders with diverse perspectives and expertise, we can
contribute valuable insights that may lead to more effective and
balanced regulations. It is essential to consider a range of options
to achieve the desired investor protections without unduly burdening
market participants.

Lastly, I would like to express my appreciation for the inclusion of
an economic analysis in the proposal. This demonstrates a commitment
to transparency and understanding the potential economic effects of
the rule amendments. I encourage the Securities and Exchange
Commission to continue seeking comments on the economic analysis,
benefits, costs, efficiency, competition, and capital formation
effects of the proposed rule. Our collective input can help refine and
improve the regulations.

Thank you for considering my concerns and for providing an opportunity
to contribute to the public comment process. I look forward to the
Securities and Exchange Commission's thoughtful evaluation of
these issues and addressing them appropriately in the final rule.