Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

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Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street NE
Washington, DC 20549-1090

Subject: Public Comment on "Safeguarding Advisory Client
Assets" Proposal (File No. S7-12-21)

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule titled
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I understand
the importance of enhancing investor protections and addressing gaps
in the custody rule, I believe that certain aspects of the proposed
rule may have unintended negative consequences, particularly for the
decentralized finance (DeFi) sector and individual privacy rights.

1. Potential Negative Impact on Decentralized Finance:

The proposed rules, as currently drafted, may hinder the growth and
development of decentralized finance projects, limiting innovation and
potential financial inclusion. By broadening the scope of the rule and
imposing stringent custody requirements, the SEC may inadvertently
stifle the transformative potential of DeFi systems. These emerging
technologies have vast implications for democratizing access to
financial services and facilitating transparent and efficient
decentralized markets. It is crucial that the SEC adopts a balanced
approach that accommodates the unique characteristics and benefits of
decentralized systems while ensuring investor protection.

2. Threat to Privacy:

Privacy is a fundamental human right that underpins personal autonomy
and individual freedom. The proposed rule, with its increased emphasis
on recordkeeping and reporting requirements, risks compromising this
fundamental right. As an investor, I value the ability to secure and
maintain control over my financial information. I urge the SEC to
carefully consider the potential encroachment on privacy rights and
take steps to protect the confidential information of clients.

3. Encourage Innovation:

Regulation should aim to strike a balance between investor protection
and fostering innovation within the financial industry. Emerging
technologies like blockchain and DeFi have the potential to
revolutionize traditional finance and empower individuals in managing
their assets. It is imperative for the SEC to create an environment
that encourages innovation and agility, allowing for responsible
experimentation without unnecessary barriers and burdensome compliance

4. Proportional Regulatory Burden:

While it is essential to protect investors and their assets, the
proposed rule should also take into account the practicality and
proportionality of the regulatory burden imposed on registered
investment advisers. Overregulation can dampen the willingness of
small and medium-sized entities to enter the market, stifling
competition and limiting choices for investors. The SEC should
consider the unique circumstances of different advisers and take steps
to ensure that the compliance costs remain reasonable and

In conclusion, as an investor and a supporter of innovation in the
financial industry, I am urging the SEC to carefully consider the
potential negative impact on decentralized finance and individual
privacy rights during the course of implementing the
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" proposal. I appreciate
the SEC's commitment to enhancing investor protections, but I
believe that a balanced and nuanced approach is necessary to address
the concerns raised. I encourage the SEC to engage with industry
stakeholders, conduct thorough impact assessments, and consider
alternative solutions that would benefit investors and promote

Thank you for considering my comments. I value the transparency and
responsiveness demonstrated by the SEC, and I trust that my concerns
will be carefully reviewed and taken into account during the
rulemaking process.