Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from MK
From: MK

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am submitting my public comment on the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" as a concerned
investor and advocate of financial innovation. While I understand the
goal of enhancing investor protections, I have reservations about the
potential stifling of innovation and the negative impact on global
market participants.

Firstly, I want to emphasize the importance of fostering innovation in
the financial industry, particularly with regards to emerging
technologies like smart contracts. The proposed rule doesn't
adequately address the unique characteristics of smart contracts,
which are transforming the way assets are managed and custodied. It is
crucial that the SEC considers the potential benefits and challenges
of smart contracts and creates a regulatory framework that encourages
their responsible use. Failure to do so may hinder innovation and
limit the growth potential of investment advisers operating within the
smart contract ecosystem.

Additionally, I am concerned about the potential extraterritorial
impact of certain reporting requirements under the proposed rule. As a
global financial hub, it is essential for the United States to strike
a balance between investor protection and avoiding overregulation that
hampers international market participants. It's important that
the SEC engages in international coordination and cooperation, working
with regulatory authorities in jurisdictions where protocols and users
are located. This would ensure a fair and consistent approach to
safeguarding client assets, respecting the principles of global
financial comity.

To address these concerns, I urge the SEC to provide clearer guidance
on the treatment of smart contracts, acknowledging their innovative
features while also considering the need for investor protection. This
could entail defining the scope of the rule in a manner that
accommodates the unique characteristics of smart contracts and
provides specific criteria for investment advisers leveraging this
technology. Additionally, I recommend the implementation of mechanisms
for international cooperation to foster a global landscape that
supports innovation while maintaining necessary safeguards.

In conclusion, it is important for the SEC to strike a balance between
investor protection and financial innovation. By recognizing the
potential of smart contracts and promoting international coordination,
the SEC can position the United States as a global leader in fostering
innovation while ensuring the security of client assets. Thank you for
considering my comments.
