Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to provide my thoughts and concerns regarding the
proposed rule on "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets."
While the intention of enhancing investor protections is commendable,
I believe that there are certain aspects of the rule that require
further consideration and evaluation. In particular, I am concerned
about the inadequate consideration of the unique properties of
cryptocurrency and the potential impact of government overreach.

Firstly, I would like to address the issue of cryptocurrency. The
proposed rule fails to adequately consider the decentralized nature
and technological complexities of cryptocurrency. By applying a
one-size-fits-all approach to the safeguarding of client assets, the
rule imposes impractical regulatory requirements on investment
advisers dealing with digital assets. This neglects the fundamental
differences between traditional custodial assets and cryptocurrencies,
which operate on blockchain technology and have their security
mechanisms in place. It is important to recognize that custodial
solutions adopted by the cryptocurrency industry often provide robust
security measures, such as multi-signature wallets and cold storage
techniques. Therefore, imposing additional burdens on advisers dealing
with cryptocurrency assets may hinder innovation and development in
this rapidly evolving sector.

Furthermore, I am concerned about the potential for government
overreach through the insertion of unnecessary regulations. While
investor protection is of paramount importance, we must strike a
balance that allows for innovation and market growth. Excessive
regulatory requirements can stifle competition and deter new players
from entering the market. It is crucial that any regulations put forth
by the SEC are grounded in a thorough cost-benefit analysis and
prioritize efficient market functioning.

In light of these concerns, I urge the SEC to review the proposed rule
and consider alternative measures that can achieve the goal of
investor protection while accommodating the unique characteristics of
cryptocurrency. This may involve working closely with industry
participants and seeking their input to create a regulatory framework
that ensures the safety of client assets without stifling innovation
or imposing unnecessary burdens on advisers.

Additionally, I appreciate the SEC's efforts to incorporate
feedback through this public comment process. As a concerned citizen,
I encourage the SEC to meticulously evaluate all comments received and
take them into account when finalizing the rule. Furthermore, I would
like to express my support for the withdrawal of certain staff
no-action letters and statements regarding the custody rule that may
be outdated or no longer relevant. Maintaining a dynamic and adaptable
regulatory framework is essential in a rapidly evolving financial

In conclusion, while the "Safeguarding Advisory Client
Assets" proposal aims to enhance investor protections, it is
essential to consider the unique properties of cryptocurrency and
guard against government overreach. By engaging in open dialogue with
industry participants, the SEC can refine and create a rule that
ensures the safety of client assets while fostering innovation and
market growth. Thank you for considering my concerns and for providing
the opportunity to participate in the public comment process.