Subject: S7-04-23
From: Jon_Pennex

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule, "Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets," which aims to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the custody rule. While I appreciate the SEC's efforts to safeguard client assets, there are several issues within the proposal that need further clarification and examination. 

One area of concern lies in the lack of clarity surrounding the definition of digital assets. As the proposal fails to provide clear guidance on what constitutes a digital asset, there is potential for confusion and misinterpretation among investment advisers. Given the rapid advancement of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, it is crucial to establish a comprehensive and accurate framework to regulate these emerging financial instruments. 

Digital assets, such as cryptocurrency, have transformed the finance industry by leveraging blockchain technology to facilitate secure and efficient transactions. However, the regulatory uncertainties surrounding digital assets have posed significant challenges for both investors and investment advisers. Providing clarity on the treatment of digital assets within the proposed rule would help mitigate these challenges and foster a more robust and transparent investment landscape. 

Furthermore, the economic analysis conducted by the SEC warrants a critical review. While the proposed rule aims to enhance investor protections by reducing the risk of asset loss, the compliance costs incurred by investment advisers must be considered. The magnitude of these costs will depend on current custodial practices and existing controls, and it is imperative to strike a balance between investor protections and the potential burden on advisers. 

Additionally, the proposal acknowledges the varying practices among investment advisers, making it challenging to estimate the economic effects accurately. As such, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive and nuanced analysis that considers both qualitative and quantified assessments of the rule's impact. A thorough understanding of the potential costs and benefits is crucial in ensuring the effectiveness and fairness of the proposed rule. 

Moreover, I would like to highlight the need for increased transparency and regulatory oversight within the advisory industry. By enhancing the reporting requirements on Form ADV and requiring investment advisers to maintain records related to client notifications, custodian information, and transactions, the proposed rule takes a step towards improving oversight and investor protection. Increased transparency fosters trust in the market and enables investors to make informed decisions about their financial well-being. 

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to address the lack of clarity on the definition of digital assets within the proposed rule. Clear guidance on digital asset treatment would facilitate regulatory compliance and ensure a level playing field in this rapidly evolving landscape. Furthermore, a comprehensive and nuanced economic analysis is vital to ensure the proposed rule strikes a balance between investor protections and the potential burden on investment advisers. I appreciate the SEC's commitment to investor protection and regulatory oversight and trust that my comments will be observed and examined thoroughly. 

Thank you for considering my concerns and providing an opportunity for public input. I look forward to the SEC's thoughtful review of the proposed rule and its subsequent actions. 



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