Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule on
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate
the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protections and address
gaps in the custody rule, I believe that there are certain issues that
need to be addressed to ensure that the rule is effective and fair. 

Firstly, I would like to draw attention to the lack of industry
expertise in the drafting of the proposal. It has come to my attention
that the SEC does not have sufficient understanding of digital assets
and cryptocurrency, which are a significant part of the investment
landscape today. By not adequately considering the unique
characteristics of these assets, the proposed rule may overlook
important industry practices and hinder innovation. 

Digital assets, such as cryptocurrency, have emerged as a
transformative force in the financial world. Blockchain technology,
upon which these assets are built, offers decentralization,
transparency, and security. However, the regulatory landscape
surrounding digital assets is still in its infancy, leading to
uncertainties and challenges. It is crucial for the SEC to approach
the regulation of digital assets with a thorough understanding of
industry dynamics and the potential benefits they can bring. 

Moreover, the proposed rule's application to crypto assets raises
additional concerns. The SEC needs to carefully consider how these
assets can be adequately safeguarded, given their unique
characteristics. Demonstration of exclusive control, which the
proposal requires for safeguarding client assets, presents challenges
in the decentralized nature of many digital assets. Without a nuanced
understanding of these intricacies, the rule may hinder the growth of
the industry without necessarily improving investor protections. 

Furthermore, I believe that the proposed rule's burden on
investment advisers dealing with digital assets could be excessive.
The challenges and complexities of this burgeoning industry already
require significant efforts from investment advisers to comply with
existing regulations. A one-size-fits-all approach that fails to
acknowledge the differences between traditional and digital assets may
not only impede industry innovation but also create unnecessary
compliance costs for advisers and their clients. 

In order to address these concerns, I would recommend that the SEC
consider collaborating with industry experts and stakeholders in the
digital asset space. This would ensure that the proposed rule strikes
an appropriate balance between investor protections and industry
growth. By taking into account the unique characteristics and
challenges of digital assets, the SEC can foster an environment that
supports innovation while ensuring the safety and security of investor

In conclusion, I appreciate the SEC's commitment to enhancing
investor protections through the proposed rule. However, I urge the
SEC to carefully evaluate the impact of the rule on the digital asset
industry and engage with industry experts to ensure that the
regulations adequately address the unique characteristics of these
assets. By doing so, the SEC can facilitate innovation, protect
investors, and maintain the United States' position as a leader
in the global financial landscape. 

Thank you for considering my concerns. 
