Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

File S7-04-23, Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets had too
short a comment period. I'm also concerned about these things. 1.
Increased compliance burden; 2. Unclear guidance; 3. Disproportionate
costs; 4. Complexity of requirements; 5. Reduced innovation; 6.
Barriers to entry for small businesses; 7. Lack of industry expertise;
8. Misaligned incentives; 9. Regulatory capture; 10. Limited
transparency; 11. Overreaching jurisdiction; 12. Inconsistent
enforcement; 13. Undue influence from special interests; 14.
Fragmented regulatory landscape; 15. Retroactive application of rules;
16. Arbitrary deadlines; 17. Impossible compliance timelines; 18.
Unequal treatment among industries; 19. Ineffective risk assessments;
20. Insufficient cost-benefit analysis; 21. Excessive fines; 22.
Conflicting regulations; 23. Ignoring market realities; 24. Unintended
consequences; 25. Vague definitions; 26. Inadequate consultation
process; 27. Unfair competitive advantage; 28. Discouraging
competition; 29. Encouraging fraudulent practices; 30. Creating
unlevel playing field; 31. Neglecting potential negative impacts; 32.
Flawed assumptions; 33. Underestimating implementation challenges; 34.
Risk of litigation; 35. Difficulty in interpreting rules; 36.
Hindering investment opportunities. 37. Counterproductive outcomes;
38. Stifling innovation; 39. Compromising data security; 40. Eroding
public trust.