Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: None

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear SEC,

I am writing to provide my public comment on the proposal
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets" from the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC). While I appreciate the aim of the
proposed rule to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the
custody rule, I have several concerns and issues that I would like to

Firstly, it is evident that the SEC lacks sufficient expertise in
digital assets and cryptocurrency, which has resulted in a lack of
understanding of the industry's unique characteristics. This lack
of industry expertise is reflected in the proposed rule, particularly
in its application to crypto assets. The SEC should recognize the need
to collaborate with experts in the field to ensure that the rule
accurately reflects the realities of this emerging market.

Furthermore, I am concerned about the potential for unfair treatment
resulting from regulatory complexity across countries. As the global
digital asset industry continues to expand, it is imperative that
regulatory frameworks are harmonized to avoid creating unnecessary
barriers to innovation. Inconsistencies in regulations can create
operational challenges for industry participants and hinder their
ability to provide services across borders. The SEC should consider
aligning its proposed rule with international best practices to
promote consistency and facilitate global participation in the digital
asset market.

Additionally, the proposed rule appears to place an overemphasis on
revenue collection at the expense of fairness, equity, or neutrality.
While it is important to implement measures that protect investor
assets, it is equally important to ensure that regulatory requirements
are proportionate and do not unduly burden market participants. The
SEC should carefully consider the potential impact of these
requirements on the overall competitiveness of the advisory industry
and strike a balance between investor protection and facilitating
efficient capital formation.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to address the lack of industry
expertise in the proposed rule, collaborate with experts in the
digital asset space, and consider aligning its regulations with
international best practices. Furthermore, I recommend that the SEC
carefully evaluate the potential impact of the proposed rule on market
participants and strive for a balanced approach that promotes
fairness, equity, and efficiency in the advisory industry. 

Thank you for considering my concerns and issues in relation to the