Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from John Doe
From: John Doe

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I understand
the need to enhance investor protections and address gaps in the
custody rule, I believe that certain aspects of the proposal may have
unintended consequences and create challenges for investment advisers.

One specific concern that I would like to highlight is the lack of
clarity surrounding the definition of digital assets. In an industry
where digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, continue to evolve and
play a significant role, it is crucial to have clear and precise
guidelines. However, the current proposal does not sufficiently
address this issue, which may result in confusion and difficulties for
investment advisers trying to comply with the rule.

Furthermore, there is a need to carefully assess the potential legal
challenges that may arise from the proposed rule. As the digital asset
industry operates within a complex legal landscape, any regulatory
measures must align with existing laws, regulations, and
constitutional provisions. Failure to do so could result in legal
disputes, creating uncertainties and hindering the development of
innovative solutions in the market.

Another concern is the potential economic impact of the proposed rule.
While investor protection is undoubtedly important, it is crucial to
strike the right balance and consider the adverse effects that the
rule may have on businesses, investors, and the overall economy. A
thorough and data-driven analysis should be conducted to assess the
potential increase in costs, reduced market efficiency, or limitations
on market liquidity that may arise as a result of the proposed rule.

Practical implementation issues should also be given thorough
consideration. Ambiguous language, unclear requirements, or overly
complex compliance measures can hinder the effective implementation of
the proposed rule. It is essential to adopt practical and
straightforward approaches to compliance, ensuring that investment
advisers can navigate the rule without unnecessary burden or
operational challenges.

In addition, it is imperative to evaluate and mitigate any unintended
consequences that the proposed rule may create. While the aim is to
enhance investor protection, unintended negative side effects could
include stifling innovation, reducing market transparency, or
introducing new risks for investors. Careful assessment and
consideration of these potential consequences will help ensure that
the proposed rule achieves its objectives without creating unintended

In light of these concerns, I urge the Securities and Exchange
Commission to consider alternatives to the proposed rule. Through the
exploration of alternative solutions, we can address the same core
issues while minimizing any adverse effects on stakeholders. This
approach will enable the development of a more tailored and balanced
regulatory framework, one that offers optimal investor protection
without impeding market innovation.

Furthermore, it is crucial to prioritize the public interest in the
development of the proposed rule. Any regulation that limits access to
financial services, increases costs for consumers, or imposes
unnecessary burdens on market participants ultimately harms the public
interest. Therefore, it is vital that the SEC conducts a thorough
assessment of the impact of the proposed rule on the public and seeks
ways to mitigate any negative repercussions.

Taking into account the globalized nature of the financial industry,
it is important to consider international coordination. If applicable,
the potential conflicts with international standards or agreements
should be assessed. Aligning the proposed rule with global best
practices will promote harmonization, ensure a level playing field,
and prevent jurisdictional discrepancies.

I would also like to draw attention to the opposition expressed by
various stakeholders regarding specific provisions of the proposed
rule. Industry associations, advocacy groups, and lawmakers have
raised concerns and reservations that should be carefully considered
and incorporated into the rulemaking process. A comprehensive and
balanced approach is vital to ensure that all perspectives are taken
into account.

Additionally, it is crucial to avoid unnecessary regulatory overlap.
If the proposed rule duplicates existing regulatory efforts or creates
redundancies, a streamlined approach should be adopted. An efficient
and coherent regulatory framework is essential for providing clear
guidance and effective oversight.

In closing, I appreciate the Securities and Exchange Commission's
dedication to enhancing investor protections through the proposed
rule. However, I strongly urge the SEC to address the concerns raised
in this letter to ensure the rule is crafted properly, avoids
unintended consequences, and allows for market innovation. A
collaborative and thoughtful approach is necessary to achieve the
right balance between investor protection, market efficiency, and
regulatory effectiveness.

Thank you for considering my comment.
