Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate
the aim of enhancing investor protections and addressing gaps in the
custody rule, I believe that there are several issues that need to be
carefully considered before finalizing these regulations.

First and foremost, I am concerned about the inadequate consideration
of the unique properties of cryptocurrency. The proposed rule fails to
acknowledge the decentralized nature and technological complexities of
cryptocurrency, resulting in impractical regulatory requirements. It
is essential for the SEC to fully understand the intricacies of this
emerging asset class before imposing regulations that may stifle
innovation and impede the growth of the industry.

Furthermore, I strongly disagree with the notion that the SEC should
oversee the safeguarding of client assets in the cryptocurrency space.
Cryptocurrency operates on decentralized networks and is designed to
be self-regulated. By imposing regulatory requirements without a deep
understanding of the technology, the SEC risks stifling the
development of this promising sector and hindering its ability to
provide security and value to investors.

I believe that the regulation of cryptocurrency should be approached
with a collaborative and consultative mindset. Instead of relying
solely on traditional regulatory frameworks, the SEC should actively
engage with industry experts and stakeholders to develop guidelines
tailored to the unique characteristics of this asset class. This
inclusive approach would ensure that investor protections are upheld
while allowing for the continued innovation and growth of the
cryptocurrency market.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to reconsider its approach to the
regulation of cryptocurrency and give careful thought to the unique
properties and technological complexities of this asset class. A
collaborative approach that includes industry expertise and promotes
innovation is essential to strike the right balance between investor
protection and fostering a thriving cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Thank you for considering my concerns. I hope that the SEC will take
them into account during the decision-making process.