Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 29, 2023

I am writing to strongly oppose the proposed rule to
implement Section 27B of the Securities Act of 1933, which was added
through Section 621 of the Dodd-Frank Act. As an experienced investor,
I firmly believe that this rule will harm retail investors and open up
opportunities for manipulative practices by hedge funds.

One major issue with this proposed rule is that it significantly
reduces transparency and protection for retail investors. The rule
creates an exemption from registration for certain offerings by
non-reporting companies, provided that the securities are sold
exclusively to accredited investors. While this might seem like a
simple way to reduce regulatory burden, it has severe implications for
small investors. Firstly, without registration, there is less
information readily available to investors, reducing their ability to
evaluate whether the offering is suitable for them. Secondly, given
the higher net worth requirement for accredited investors, many retail
investors will be excluded from participating in these offerings
altogether. This exclusion limits retail investors’ choices and
reduces competition in the secondary market, potentially driving up
prices for remaining shareholders.

Another critical concern is that the proposed rule opens doors for
manipulation by hedge funds. Historically, hedge funds have been
associated with questionable practices aimed at boosting returns. For
instance, some hedge funds use insider trading techniques to gain an
edge over others, giving themselves preferential treatment while
leaving retail investors behind. Under this proposed rule, hedge funds
can now create fake accredited investor accounts to participate in
private placements previously restricted to larger institutional
buyers, thereby gaining access to better deals than retail investors.
With limited oversight, these hedge funds could potentially abuse
their position, further widening income inequality among different
classes of investors.

Given these serious drawbacks, I urge your authority to thoroughly
reexamine this proposed rule. Protecting retail investors'
interests must remain paramount in all decision making, and any rules
implemented need to adhere strictly to that objective. To ensure
fairness and avoid opportunities for misconduct, regulators must
mandate greater disclosure and transparency across all investor
categories, including sophisticated investors like hedge funds. If the
exemptions offered here are deemed necessary, alternative mechanisms
should be explored that maintain transparency standards and promote
equality among various classes of investors. We cannot afford to
ignore the potential dangers posed by this proposed rule and must work
together towards finding solutions that benefit everyone equally.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my feedback. Your prompt
attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.