Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Carmen S.
From: Carmen S.

Oct. 28, 2023

The proposed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Release No. IA-6240; File No. S7-04-23 raises significant issues for
the rapidly evolving world of digital assets and cryptocurrencies.
Although the SEC claims that this regulation aims to safeguard retail
investors from illicit activities in the crypto space, its impact on
this dynamic sector leaves much to be desired.

Firstly, the proposed framework introduces uncertainty and ambiguity
around token classification, which has been a persistent problem in
the crypto ecosystem. The SEC's previous guidance had already
muddied the waters surrounding what constitutes an "investment
contract" under federal securities law, leaving many participants
struggling to navigate this legal gray area. Now, this latest
rulemaking appears to broaden the scope of tokens subject to
registration, potentially encompassing utility tokens and even certain
decentralized projects. This unpredictability poses major challenges
for innovators seeking to raise capital through initial coin offerings
(ICOs) or launch new blockchain applications, since they must grapple
with both licensing restrictions and operational constraints that may
stifle innovation.

Secondly, the proposed SEC Release No. IA-6240; File No. S7-04-23
fails to address critical structural issues plaguing the crypto
industry today. For instance, the current lack of uniform standards
for anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC)
procedures exposes consumers to high levels of risk and leaves gaping
holes in regulatory oversight. Similarly, the absence of a
comprehensive legal framework governing custody, transfer, and
settlement of digital assets remains a glaring omission, hampering
efforts to foster trust and confidence in this nascent field. By
focusing almost entirely on disclosure requirements rather than
broader systemic reforms, this rulemaking risks perpetuating many of
the underlying defects afflicting the crypto landscape instead of
rectifying them.

Overall, the proposed SEC Release No. IA-6240; File No. S7-04-23
presents formidable obstacles for the development of the
cryptocurrency marketplace, casting doubt on whether it genuinely
serves the interests of investors or promotes sustainable growth in
this dynamic sector. As such, careful consideration is necessary
before proceeding with implementation, lest well-intentioned
intentions give way to unintended consequences that adversely affect
all parties involved.