Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 28, 2023

I am writing to provide my public comment on the
Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) proposal on
"Safeguarding Advisory Client Assets." While I appreciate
the SEC's efforts to enhance investor protection and address gaps
in the custody rule, I have some concerns regarding the unequal
treatment of different types of digital assets.

Digital assets, particularly cryptocurrencies, have emerged as
significant players in the financial ecosystem, leveraging blockchain
technology to redefine traditional finance. However, the proposed
rules fail to address the unique nature of these assets and treat them
inconsistently, which may lead to confusion and potential regulatory

My foremost concern lies in the inherent nature of decentralized
finance. Decentralized platforms, which facilitate transactions and
investments in digital assets, are not easily regulated due to their
design and technological infrastructure. Attempting to impose
regulatory oversight on decentralized finance would run counter to its
purpose, stifling the innovation and growth potential it offers.
Instead, regulators should focus efforts on promoting responsible
practices within this emerging industry.

While I recognize the need for consumer protection and safeguarding of
client assets, blanket regulations that do not consider the nuances of
decentralization WILL curb innovation and entrepreneurship in the
digital asset space. The SEC should work towards developing tailored
regulations that strike a balance between safeguarding investors and
nurturing this new wave of financial technological evolution.

Furthermore, the proposed rules should consider the potential for
regulatory arbitrage arising from disparate treatment of digital
assets. Inconsistencies within the regulatory framework create
opportunities for market players to exploit loopholes or seek more
favorable jurisdictions, undermining the purpose of regulations. It is
crucial that the SEC addresses these inconsistencies and provides
clear guidelines to ensure fair and transparent market practices.

To achieve regulatory clarity in the digital asset landscape, I urge
the SEC to engage in more extensive dialogue with industry experts,
market participants, and stakeholders. This collaborative approach
will help the SEC gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies and
potential issues surrounding digital assets, allowing for a more
balanced and effective regulatory framework.

In conclusion, I appreciate the SEC's initiatives to enhance
investor protections, but I urge the commission to reevaluate and
refine the proposed rules concerning the treatment of digital assets.
Balancing investor safeguarding with the fostering of innovation is
essential to enable the full potential of this transformative

Thank you for considering my comments on this matter. I look forward
to the SEC's continued efforts to create a regulatory environment
that supports responsible innovation while protecting the interests of