Subject: S7-04-23: Webform Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 28, 2023

File No. S7-04-23 – makes me deeply troubled, both
personally and professionally. Firstly, as someone who identifies as
transgender, I question the necessity of the heightened requirements
around gender identity verification. Such invasive measures
disproportionately target individuals like me, whose very existence
continues to face societal scrutiny. By singling out trans people in
this way, the SEC risks perpetuating stigma and prejudice rather than
fostering equality and acceptance. Secondly, as a financial advisor, I
see grave implications for the FINRA component of this proposal. The
requirement for firms to submit detailed information regarding private
fund offerings, as well as associated performance metrics, will result
in redundant effort. Many of these details are already gathered and
reported through FINRA's separate reporting channels, leading to
superfluous duplication. This duplication will unnecessarily strain
resources, slow down response times, and inevitably lead to
inconsistencies arising from divergent sources of truth. Ultimately,
the cumulative effect of these extraneous demands threaten to erode
confidence in the marketplace, discouraging investment and undermining
growth opportunities for all involved parties. As a community, we
deserve better from regulators tasked with steering our economy
towards prosperity. Instead, we seem doomed to wade through a quagmire
of bureaucracy and excess.